"STAY HOME SAVE LIVES" staying home self quarantine COVID-19 Coronavirus text message sign for social distancing awareness. COVID-19 staying at home window background. Flatten the curve.

Time Management During Quarantine

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted just about everyone in some way. One of the biggest challenges that people are facing is that they have to work from home. While people love their families, spending every minute of every day with them can be a challenge because of the distractions this can bring. For this reason, it is important for people to maintain some sort of routine, which is one of the keys to time management during this time of shelter in place.

This crisis has helped highlight the importance of platforms such as Qilo, which can help people remain productive during quarantine. For kids who are suddenly kept home from school for months at a time, time management is even more important. It can be tempting for kids to just sit in front of the TV all day; however, they need to continue to learn even from a distance. For parents, it is important to keep the kids on track with a routine. This means making sure they get up at the same time every day. Try to eat breakfast and lunch at the same time as well. Make sure they have a place where they can go to school away from any other distractions. They should spend some time studying in the evening as well.

For adults who have to work from home, routines are also important. For those who can now make their own schedule, it might be tempting to slip in every day; however, this is only going to make it harder to complete various work assignments in the allotted time. Try to maintain a work area that is free from distractions. Removing excess decorations might be a good idea. Sticking with a normal bedtime and wake up time is critical. Try to eat meals at the same time every day as well. People should still fill out their work calendars as they normally would because this will provide them with a sense of structure.

Of course, it is also important to socialize during quarantine, even while at a distance. Social media and video conferencing tools can be great options to make this happen. It is critically important to remain in touch with elderly loved ones, reminding them to stay safe during this difficult time. People can even host virtual parties!

These are a few of the most important tips that people should follow during quarantine. Time management will help everyone maintain some semblance of normalcy during a time of crisis. As long as everyone does their part, this too shall pass.