The Power of Sleep
Poor sleep is costly. Each year, insubstantial sleep produces a grand $411 billion (USD) loss in productivity. Affecting individuals, insufficient sleep is correlated with a lessened quality of life, mental health issues, reduction in education, and poor coordination and fitness. As a country, we’d benefit fiscally from prioritizing sleep, but the increase in productivity, on an individual level, is just as tremendous.
Across activism, politics, business, sport, and entertainment, top leaders value their sleep alongside their awards, fame, recognition, or money. They value their individual sleep needs and ensure that each night’s healthy cycle of sleep is fulfilled to fuel their success. You can do the same.
Though our definitions of success differ, we largely agree on the foundations for it. Sleep supports these. It’s been scientifically proven that sleep lessens errors, enhances memory, improves health, and increases creativity. Strengthening each of these assets is a tremendous help to any form of success, and be the road to obtaining it.
Numerous tips and tricks exist for improving sleep quality, but four universal ones may be worth abiding by. The first thing you should do is to drink less alcohol. According to studies, drinking more than two drinks a day decreases sleep quality by 39.3%. Another sleeping technique involves using a weighted blanket. The use of weighted blankets reduced movements and the quality of sleep for those with insomnia after two weeks. Additionally, minimizing your exposure to blue light before bed has been proven to improve the ability to fall asleep more efficiently. Associated with televisions, computers, and phones, blue light has been proven to obstruct melatonin by as much as 200%. Lastly, many people who take up a focused exercise to focus body and mind find that it becomes easier to get into a healthy sleeping pattern. We suggest trying out yoga.
Sleep for 7 to 8 hours tonight, and you’ll reap the rewards of success and wellbeing. Learn more about sleep and success in the infographic below: