Bulova introduced the world’s first and most sophisticated watch on October 6, 1960. At a period when electronic watches were becoming popular, the Accutron broke the norm by including a “window” that allows you to see the inner workings of the watch while it operates. This dynamic vision inspired the watch’s moniker, “The Spaceview.” Over 5 million of these models were sold globally when they were launched in 1976. However, that was not all that Accutron technology accomplished. With its innovative technology, it did more than just tell time, it even went to the moon.
Dubbed the “Accutron Astronaut” this was developed to meet the demands of high-speed flight and space travel. It was operated at temperatures up to 210 degrees Fahrenheit (or 98.89 degrees Celsius). It was resistant to disturbances as it could function under shock and high g-forces. Moreover, it was extremely precise with only a deviation of fewer than 2 seconds a day. Pretty soon Accutron technology was adopted by the US Air Force, The CIA, and NASA.
It’s safe to state that moon missions would not be possible without the accuracy of Accutron technology. The “Astronaut” tech was Present on 46 Apollo Missions, as both body-worn and instrument panel timing devices. A noted figure that used it was Norman Thagard who wore an Accutron Astronaut aboard Space Shuttle mission STS-7 – long after tuning fork models had gone out of production. Gordon Cooper used an Accutron to time retro burn on his Faith 7 mission, resulting in the most accurate splashdown achieved during the Mercury program.