When hosting an event, one of the key decisions the planners must make is how to present technology. Most venues have at least some technology requirements whether they are stated or not. Before signing any agreement for a venue, it’s important to know what standard technology requirements you will need. Below is a list of standard technology requirements at event venues:
Wireless Network Connection
Many venues have a wireless network in place for their staff and clients. This is a great opportunity for events to have an additional connection that can be used by event attendees. The speed of this connection may vary based on the number of users at any given time, but it’s a good idea to check with your venue about any restrictions in order to avoid problems during your event.
Data Ports
Many venues won’t provide data ports for any type of equipment that is not owned by them or their clientele. This means if your speakers, screens, projectors and/or lighting requires wifi internet to work properly, there may be no available data connection for them even though the venue has a router installed. Make sure you know what’s available before you bring in equipment that requires data ports.
Many venues will have a PA system already in place for speeches and announcements. However, you may need to bring your own microphone depending on the type of presentation and use of the PA system. Having wireless microphones available can be very helpful in many cases, but it’s important to coordinate with staff beforehand to make sure all microphones are connected and working properly.
Box Office
Depending on the event, you may want your guests to buy tickets or access cards prior to entering an area such as a conference room. If this is necessary, make sure there is either a staffed box office/coffee shop near the entrance or that card or ticket scanners are placed at accessible entrances so guests can check themselves in when they arrive.
Sound System
Depending on the size of your event, you may need to provide your own sound system to amplify speakers or background music. The venue you choose should have at least some capability for this requirement, but it’s important to find out how many speaker setups are available and whether they will be able to connect any additional speakers you provide.
Depending on the type of event you’re hosting, you may need to provide a video and/or projection setup. One important thing to remember is that many venues require videographers, photographers and other types of media professionals to follow fire code guidelines for wiring and outlets or they will not be permitted entry. Make sure you know these requirements before bringing in your video or projection needs.
Electrical Outlets
For the sake of convenience, it’s important to have easy access to electrical outlets where you can easily plug in all your technology needs. It is usually fine to bring in power strips as long as the venue does not already have these available for guests. However, make sure you are not creating a trip hazard by leaving cords lying around on the floor. The venue you choose should also have available power strips and extension cords if needed.
Many venues don’t like having cameras at their events because filming anything without permission can be considered illegal wiretapping; therefore, they won’t allow them unless they’re rented from a professional company that will provide all required permits and licenses when filming at their facility. If you have an event that requires any type of filming, make sure to check with your venue beforehand.
Technology service providers help solve these problems by providing technology infrastructure and assistance. They can subcontract out to other companies for what they don’t do themselves or provide the entire package. The main benefit of using Event Technology Providers is that they are already familiar with the venue’s needs, having hosted events at it before, so they know exactly how much technology will be needed. The idea of an event-specific tech solution is considered best practice among industry professionals as a way to ensure a great experience for both the guests and presenters. Some people do their own tech support while others hire a separate company dedicated to doing this sort of work. This depends on the size of your event and what you provide for entertainment. Hiring technicians who don’t know anything about entertainment just won’t do it because they’ll get in the way.