People bought homes much differently before the days of smartphones and home computers. They traveled to their real estate agent’s office, paged though listing books with limited photos of the property, and set up a time for a showing if they were interested in seeing it in person. While photos have always been important, homebuyers in the past didn’t put quite as much stock in them when deciding whether to pursue the real estate lead.
Today, the pictures homebuyers see online are often the determining factor in whether they follow through with a private viewing. Pictures can even affect the offer a buyer makes for a home, so it’s not understatement to say they’re vitally important. Whether the home sellers hire a professional photographer or prefer to take the pictures themselves, the tips below can help them provide the best visual representation of their home.
Tips for Capturing the Best Real Estate Photos
In climates with vast differences between seasons, it’s best to take pictures in the spring if possible. These pictures show trees, flowers, and plants in full bloom and can help buyers feel more optimistic. It can allow them to visualize the possibilities of the outdoor space as well. However, homeowners making major improvements later in the year should wait until then to capture the property in photos.
Choosing the right time of day to take real estate pictures is also important. Waiting too long into the early evening can make for a shadowy outcome while pictures at peak sun brightness can appear overdone. It may take some trial and error to get things right, but the photos will be better for it.
The most flattering pictures of homes tend to come from each angle rather than straight on. It provides increased depth and greater detail of features. It’s also important to remove any obstructions before taking photos from each angle. Indoors, be sure to put away most personal things like toys and books. Homeowners may also want to park the car on the street to get the best shot of the garage.
Photographers Shouldn’t do the Staging
Homeowners who choose to hire photography and staging help should start with the professional home stager. Each room and outdoor area of the home should be picture-ready before reaching out to a photographer. While photographers understand things like angles and lighting, they may not be the best at offering advice on furniture layout, the best places for accessories, and similar concerns. Allowing each professional to perform what they do best is a wise move for homeowners.
Curb Appeal is Important Even When the Home is Not for Sale
Real estate agents often talk to clients about curb appeal, which is a term that describes a home looking attractive from a short distance away. However, even homeowners who have no plans to sell anytime soon should concern themselves with curb appeal. It makes for more harmonious relationships with neighbors in addition to giving homeowners pride in where they live. Keeping the yard clean, mowing regularly, and making timely repairs are steps homeowners should take to maximum curb appeal.