How to Speed Up Your Part Discovery Process

In the modern day, complex and intricate devices with an abundance of parts are not uncommon. In fact, the average dryer that someone uses has over 125 parts, making it a daunting task to repair. Even before the process of repairing it, finding any of those hundreds of parts can be difficult. So, if you need to find the right part in your company, how can you go about it?

You can attempt to source the part from the manufacturer, either via a physical part or a file download directly. While this ensures accuracy and can be up to date, it severely limits the brands that you can compare. Alternatively, you can source parts from user-generated resources, offering a much wider selection. However, the drawback to this approach is that these resources are not certified and would cause problems if you want to repair manufacturer devices.

Fortunately, a new innovation has arrived to help get the best of both worlds. Component search engines like 3dFindIt searches trillions of manufacturer-certified products from over 6,000 companies. Additionally, you can use precise searches with keywords or broader searches with sketches and photos. Whether it’s for personal use or to get ahead in your business, 3DFindIt makes part discovery easy.

Deconstructing the Things We Use Every Day: How Engineers Find, Source, and Design Components