The Covid-19 pandemic has had a raging affect on many businesses both commercial and small businesses. One would think that even though restrictions are being lifted in certain parts of the world one would just go back to living their life normally as seen before in the past. Helen Lee Schifter believes that the fashion industry is always changing. Many popular fashion retailers have even put signs on their front door saying “we are happy to see you again”. Covid-19 had yet to be declared a worldwide pandemic, and despite the number of growing cases in China fashion week in Milan still proceeded. One would think Georgio Armani creator of Dolce & Gabana, would have let the show go on, but he quickly uninvited guest the very same day his 121 show was supposed to happen. One thinks that everything will one day go back to normal, but in all reality this is our new normal. Will the 2.5 trillion industry ever be the same again? Normally at this time of year people are doing all of their holiday shopping, looking for nice shoes, elegant outfits, and gifts for their families, but who wants to wear all these nice outfits and just sit around at home? Instead clothing sales have drastically dropped a whopping 34% as of march as much of the worlds travelers are unable to travel due to travel restrictions. One would also think that despite the travel restrictions people would still do a lot more online shopping, but the industry is traveling down the south end due to a lot of retailers closing, demand being lower, and production has come to a halt. About 80% of retailers still require in store physical shopping to stay afloat. Shoppers are so focused on buying all of the essentials that this industry has been put on the back burner for the time being and that is having a major affect on the fashion industry.Many retailers are so desperate to sell their products because of clothing being out of season that retailers like GAP and H&M are constantly having mid season sales. The sales may even continue into the new year and who knows may continue longer. With sales so low at the moment retailers have even suspended advertising so for right now it is all word of mouth and hoping for the best. During this tough time, it’s best to reanalyze out purchases and even our lives and values. Designers used to throw unused products in the garbage and just outright destroy unsold items, now that is frowned upon in the industry due to this horrible pandemic. With all the madness going on at the moment, the saddest part is that bankruptcies may also rise for multiple retailers. Helen Lee Schifter, a fashion expert, is determined to find the new fashion trends. The main question is what does this all mean for shoppers? What happens with the most passionate customers who shop and wear the newest of the new? That is the question one thinks when it comes to light will shed the actual truths about the ongoing crisis within the industry.