If cloud computing is new to you, it may seem like a nebulous and complicated concept. As more developers and businesses embrace cloud development and cloud computing platforms, though, this type of technology is becoming easier to understand. Before we get into cloud storage services, let’s first answer what cloud computing means and how it works.
What Cloud Computing Means
Cloud computing is an approach for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, applications, and storage) that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.
Cloud computing has evolved rapidly over the past few years. Businesses of all sizes are beginning to understand cloud computing’s ability to help them get rid of unnecessary hardware and can deliver scalable cloud solutions quickly. As cloud resource pooling becomes more popular among cloud providers, cloud architectures will become even easier for businesses to scale up or down as needed. The cloud model also offers a great deal of flexibility in terms of where data is stored and how it’s accessed (locally, remotely, on-premises).
How Cloud Computing Works:
Hosted Services-The first way cloud computing works is through hosted services like Microsoft Office 365 or Google Apps. In the cloud computing world, you’re able to access your cloud-based applications from any computer with an Internet connection. The cloud storage service manages all of the cloud-based resources.
Virtual Desktops– Just like hosted services, cloud compute providers offer virtual desktops in addition to cloud storage services. A virtual desktop allows users to access their cloud-based operating system with all of their cloud-based software through a web browser or thin client. Users can also work offline and upload changes when they are connected again.
Platform as a Service- The next way cloud computing works is through platform as a service. This type of cloud model provides hardware and an operating system in which cloud developers can create cloud-based applications. Often cloud providers will provide cloud storage services, too.
Infrastructure as a Service- When businesses need more advanced cloud information technology infrastructure (such as networking, load balancing, and failover capabilities), they can opt for cloud compute’s infrastructure as a service (IaaS). An IaaS is necessary when cloud storage services are needed to store large amounts of data or when high availability is desired. IaaS provides the most flexibility in terms of cloud architecture options.
Cloud Storage Services– Finally, cloud storage services are essential to successful cloud computing solutions. A business would be unable to retrieve its data without access to the cloud storage service. Cloud storage services are cloud-based, so they can be accessed from any computer or mobile device with access to the cloud computing network.
How cloud computing works is all about accessing cloud resources via a cloud provider. Not only can businesses host their own cloud compute solutions, but cloud providers also have pre-packaged cloud storage services that can easily scale up or down as needed. Whether you need these types of services yourself or just want to understand how it all works, this knowledge will help.