Giving Yourself a Free College Level Education Online

It seems like the ways of the world used to be simpler in terms of having a stable career path. Go to college for a small amount of debt you can pay off by yourself in short order and settle into a career with a pension and stay there for decades until retirement. Those days are long gone. Why? First, the costs of college have tripled over the last 20 years. Next, there’s no guarantee that even if you go through college that you’ll be able to get the career that you’re looking for.

Of course, all websites aren’t created equal, so be sure to do your homework (pun intended) to pick the right one that best fits your style and interests. Let’s take a look at the lay of the land.

Many university websites offer free courses. For instance, business, computer science, and healthcare can be found online from Harvard University. If you’re looking for geometry, economics, and chemical science, you can find such programs online from MIT.

Next there are helpful aggregator sites that collect the best courses for you, such as and

If you like a more polished, expertly made course, you can find many such things on, Khan Academy, and TedED. 

Lastly, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) such as FutureLearn and LinkedIn Learning have a huge variety of classes.
Learn more about give yourself a college level education online for free in the following visual deep dive below:

How To Give Yourself A College-Level Education For Free Online
Source: CollegeCliffs