Many states—and notably, California—have been required to work from home and follow strict stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic. While this may seem like a hassle at times, though, why not put this time to use to ensure that your home is in good working order?
Many people tend to neglect the little details around the house—like an old garbage disposal, a leaky faucet, or burnt-out, hard-to-reach lights—because they simply don’t have time. Now is the perfect time to give your home a thorough inspection to make sure those details get fixed—and more importantly, that everything is in proper working order. This can be a huge cost saver in the long run.
Below, we are going to reveal five of the steps that you can take to make sure you do a thorough home checkup during quarantine:
Declutter Your Home: You are never going to get a better opportunity than now to de-clutter your home. It is easy for clutter to build-up over time. After all, we accumulate more and more things as time goes on.
However, clutter can be bad for your health, both physical and mental. Having clutter makes it harder to relax in your spare time, and it can also collect dust, mold, and other harmful materials. That’s why now is the perfect time to have a massive clearout before you start inspecting the finer details of your home.
Check Your Water Heating Settings: A lot of people are running water inefficiently in their California homes and do not even realize this is the case.
It can be difficult to strike the right balance between heating needs and cost. After all, you need to make sure that you have the right amount of hot water for your home but you do not want to waste energy in the process, and local challenges—especially in the Los Angeles area where much of the water supply is groundwater—can add further complications.
Now is a great time to consult with a specialist to get your water heater repaired or replaced, if necessary. For example, one water heating company in Reseda serves specific local areas to deal with unique water service challenges, such as filtering unclean water. Many companies are taking precautions to ensure health and safety during quarantine, so you can rest assured your needs will be taken care of without putting your health at risk.
Test Your Detectors: It is also a good idea to test your carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke alarms to make sure the batteries are working and the device itself is functioning correctly. Safety should always be a top priority when it comes to home maintenance.
There are also specific state laws surrounding the functionality of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, especially if you plan on selling your home any time soon. It’s a good idea to get these systems taken care of now so you don’t have to stress about them malfunctioning in the event of an actual emergency.
Get Caulking: Another maintenance project that you can do throughout quarantine is caulking all of the exterior vents, doors, and windows around your property to ensure that they are properly sealed.
This is vital in terms of keeping your property at the right temperature and not wasting energy. Not only is this going to help to make your property more comfortable but you will be able to keep your bills down as well.
Check Your Rain Gutters: Finally, you should head outside and inspect your rain gutters. You need to ensure that the downspouts are pointing away from your home and that they have not become clogged.
While you are up there inspecting your gutters, it is a good idea to trim back any branches that are close to your roof to ensure there is no rain damage once the winds pick up. It goes without saying that you need to attempt a project like this safely, so be sure to have the proper equipment before starting this project.
There is no denying that quarantine can be frustrating. However, it also provides you with the time to ensure that your home is in good working order and that everything is operating efficiently and effectively.
As you take the time to do a thorough home checkup, you can not only ensure the safety of you and your family, but you can also save money over time in unnecessary bills, energy use, and damages.