the future of IT is cloud computing

Why the Future of IT Depends on Cloud Computing

We’re in the midst of an unprecedented lifestyle shift—business practices, recreational activities, and even neighborhood chats have all adapted to the worldwide pandemic. Now, over a year later, restrictions are beginning to lift. But which changes will disappear, and which will turn into a facet of our everyday lives?

Research suggests that remote work is here to stay. Business owners save costs by foregoing office space, and employees enjoy more flexibility in the home offices. Just 10 years ago, remote work at this scale was practically impossible, but now—thanks to cloud computing—it’s the way of the future.

As a business owner, you’ve likely heard of cloud computing and probably even use it in your workflows. But there’s a big difference between using a tool and maximizing its full potential. Here’s why cloud computing is IT’s future and why you should invest in it now.

As you may have noticed, the majority of people are working from home. This has meant that businesses have had no other choice but to take their business, largely online. Cloud computing has always been the future, but it’s now more important than ever before. If your task management software, inventory management software and HR software are all in one place, working with a managed cloud provider becomes compulsory. You can no longer rely on your own IT infrastructure that is physically inside your office. A cloud solution can solve all of your problems, but there’s no one size fits all.

Cloud Computing Has a More Convenient Infrastructure 

To put it in plainly, cloud computing is a virtual IT infrastructure. It supplies on-demand access to all your computing needs. It has storage, networking, databases, applications, email, and security all in one neat package. 

You don’t need to worry about physical servers, which means fewer hardware issues later on. It also guarantees a smoother scaling process. As your company grows, your cloud grows with you. No extra hardware or installation costs needed. You can upgrade to more server space, storage and or greater application implementation in one easy click.

It Provides Advanced Data Analytics

Automation is the future, and for a futuristic evolution, you need a futuristic solution. As mentioned earlier, cloud computing has the great ability to be scaled up and down. So you can store a lot of data onto your cloud, and install analytics software into the cloud system, to then study the data you’re getting. 

This is great for automation in manufacturing plants, email services and for managers. If your teams are not finishing their tasks in unison, you can spot a pattern with data analytics, in the very software they use in the cloud. Maybe it’s always one particular team, one particular kind of task. You can spot it, zoom in, study and create an automated solution such as invoice templates, email reminders, etc.

Cloud Computing Securely Stores Confidential Data

Cloud providers have proven that they’re able to keep up with sophisticated data hacks. In fact, when the Microsoft Zero-Day Exploit occurred a few months ago, everything but their cloud-based apps were compromised.

That being said, the speed of technology is almost ungraspable. You cannot keep up with the amount of updates, patches, fixes and add-ons that are released by all your apps and services. That’s why you need a managed cloud provider that can monitor all your updates and make sure each app you use is always up to date. A managed IT service provider can improve your firewalls, data management, authorizations and more.

Cloud computing is the future both because of the convenience and adaptability it provides, but also because remote work is a permanent piece of the future. Be prepared and think about how your business could improve by working on a cloud.