Building a Gen Z-Friendly Workplace: Key Considerations for Recruitment Experts
Gen Z is set to be a major component of the modern workforce. By 2030, they are estimated to constitute 30% of the workforce which is up 27% in 2025. However, job transitions are up 80% year-on-year for this generation. So, what does this mean for recruitment professionals and their strategies?
There are considered to be three major reasons for the Gen Z hiring gap. First, being the changing workplaces in a post-COVID world with the Great Reshuffle having pushed the young workers aside. Secondly, is the unnecessary friction in the workplace and lastly, is the misaligned career expectations between employees and the employers. These early-career turnovers cost organizations time and money, which results in major gaps in their workforce.
By understanding how to recruit and retain Gen Z, we deepen our understanding of the forces shaping the future of work. Establishing clear expectations, fostering genuine transparency, offering workplace respect, nurturing meaningful connections, and focusing on intentional communication are considered a few methods to keep this generation on the payroll. Workplaces don’t just have the ability to engage and retain Gen Z but have the responsibility to build transparency, foster respect, and facilitate connections inside and outside the workplace.
Source: Abode HR