Ever wondered how water is distributed in a high-rise building? Most often than not, we don’t think about the systems at work in our home, our offices, and even in event venues. We know that these systems are present, but we don’t think twice about them either.
Aside from the systems, we also do not think about the parts that make it up. We’re so used to having these systems and parts working, it seems like they’re invisible. Unless you are an engineer or a designer that deals with these systems, they and its parts are not relevant to you.
One of the main components of these systems is pumps. A pump is a device that transfers fluids and liquids from one place to another. In some cases, a pump can also help move gasses.
Pumps are used in many industries such as oil & gas, chemical, manufacturing, mining, residential, and waste management. These devices, both small and large, are present and crucial in making the systems work.
Types of Pumps
There are two main classifications of pumps: the dynamic pumps and positive displacement pumps. The difference between the two is the effect of pressure.
With dynamic pumps, you can increase or decrease the speed of the flow. Meanwhile, positive displacement pumps move fluids at the same speed.
There are four types of dynamic pumps: centrifugal, vertical centrifugal, horizontal centrifugal, submersible, and fire hydrant systems. The most common pumps are centrifugal and fire hydrant systems.
The centrifugal, vertical centrifugal, and horizontal centrifugal differ in their design. Vertical centrifugal pumps are also known as cantilever pumps. Its shaft is designed vertically and its space-saving. Meanwhile, horizontal centrifugal pumps have a horizontal shaft.
Submersible pumps are devices with a sealed motor closed to the pump’s body. It is submerged in the fluid that it’s pumping.
Fire hydrant systems are also known as hydrant boosters, fire pumps, and fire water pumps. These are high-pressure pumps that release water with high force to combat fires.
Positive displacement pumps are divided into five types. These are the diaphragm pumps, gear pumps, peristaltic pumps, lobe pumps, and piston pumps.
Diaphragm pumps are also known as air operated diaphragms (AOD) and pneumatic pumps. It uses a combination of reciprocating action between the diaphragm and its suitable valves. These valves are usually located on each side of the diaphragm.
Gear pumps use a rotating action to stabilize the amount of liquid that passes through each revolution. Peristaltic pumps transfer the same amounts of liquids with a special roller that closes off that would force the liquids to move along the tube.
Lobe Pumps have external gear pumps with the fluid flows around the interior of the casing. Meanwhile, piston pumps move fluids through the high pressure applied on the piston. It’s the best pump to move liquids or compress gases.
All these pumps are designed to be efficient and effective for its practical applications. Determining the type and size of pumps needed can highly affect the output of the operations.
Practical Uses For Pumps
1. Hot and Cold Water Distribution
If you’re in a high-rise building, getting water on the sinks is not without any help. In the basement, the water supply is connected to the boilers and water intake systems. The boilers take care of the heating of the water.
Pumps help with the delivery and distribution of both the hot and cold water up the pipes. The more levels a building has, the more powerful the pumps need to be.
So, think about the water on the sink, shower, and toilet of a multi-level apartment, a hotel, or an office building. Each one of those buildings is equipped with boiler feed pumps and booster pumps to make sure everyone has access to hot and cold water.
2. Fire Sprinkler Systems
Speaking of high-rise buildings, it’s mandatory for them to be equipped with fire sprinkler systems. A fire sprinkler system is a fire protection method that provides water with adequate pressure that can douse a room or hallway when triggered.
Most often, you can see these systems in large commercial buildings and factories. However, a cost-effective fire sprinkler system is now available for private homes.
Once triggered, water will sprinkle from the ceiling with the required pressure to put out fires. Sprinkler heads are triggered by high temperatures, which indicates a fire. Each sprinkler head is outfitted with a glass bulb. When it reaches a certain temperature, it breaks which triggers the water sprays.
3. Wastewater Treatment
Pumps are essential in working with wastewater. It helps the flow of the wastewater from the sinks and toilets, to the sewage and drainage, and finally to the treatment plants.
The plants are responsible for removing any contaminant, proper processing of the water purification, and treatment of the wastewater.
Aside from the transfer of the wastewater to the treatment plants, pumps are also used in the whole treatment process as the wastewater is transferred from one stage to another.
4. Food and Beverage Processing
Big companies that process food and drinks also use pumps in their manufacturing process. However, the pumps used in these cases must be food-grade.
Pumps are great for any processing food through hot oils. They are also used for processing sodas and chocolates. Aside from that, pumps are crucial to the sanitation process of fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables.
These kinds of pumps must meet sanitation standards set by the Food and Drug Administrators. Only certified pumps are allowed to be operated in food manufacturing facilities.
5. Water Irrigation For Fields
When it comes to agriculture, advancement in technology helped in the easy production of crops. One of those is the proper irrigation on fields.
Pumps of this scale and use get worked around the clock. Often a signature loan is used to secure financing and keep these pumps going.
Pumps are used to deliver water from various areas of a field from one water source. It lessens the workload of farmers that had to manually water their fields. It allowed farmers to expand their fields without worrying about water delivery to those areas far from the water source.
6. Oil and Gas Production
One of the biggest industries in the market is the production of oil and gas. Petroleum companies extract petroleum products from under the ground. To do that, they must use pumps to siphon the products from the source.
Aside from extraction, these petroleum products must also undergo a refinery process. Since these products are in a fluid form, the way to transport them through the machines is through pumps, as well.
Even when the end product is being distributed, pumps are still heavily involved. Gas stations usually store their petroleum products underground.
Once a gas tank comes to refill it, it uses a pump to transfer the contents of the truck to its container. When a customer gets gas for their car, pumps also work to bring the product up from the ground to the nozzle.
7. Seafood Suppliers
Big seafood suppliers also use pumps in their ships. When a ship goes out to catch seafood, they are away for days at a time. Thus, it’s important that they can keep their catch fresh before they can dock.
These ships use pumps to move and circulate seawater. They hold their catches in large seawater tanks, which need to have fresh seawater regularly. If the water is not refreshed from time to time, the marine life in the tanks will die and no longer be fresh.
In some cases, these ships use freezers instead of large seawater tanks. Even so, they use pumps that can remove seawater or floodwater from the ship. From time to time, water can get inside the ship caused by bad weather conditions.
8. Chemical Processing Pumps
Companies produce and manufacture chemicals such as cleaning solvents, paints, and medicines need to process them safely. Transporting these chemicals from one stage of the process to another is assisted by pumps.
Just like food and beverage processing, chemical processing needs pumps that can handle corrosive and abrasive industrial liquids. The chemicals being handled in factories may damage standard pumps. The materials of these chemical processing pumps must be compatible and fit to withstand the properties of these liquids.
It’s interesting to know that pumps are integral to our modern-day living. We are not aware of how much it impacts us because we only know the end product.
There are more practical applications for pumps. Most of the products are manufactured or produced with the help of pumps. All of the processes involve pumps from our water to our food and to the products we used in our everyday lives.
These devices are part of a larger infrastructure that helps us get on with our lives in comfort. It’s nice if we can take the time to appreciate it.
Learn more about pumps that can be used for practical applications in Carver Pump’s website. You’ll be amazed at their stories which include chemical processing, oil & gas processing, and marine life adventures.