5 Web Design Trends to Pay Attention to in 2020

Website design has evolved a lot over the years. There was a time where loud colors and pure chaos on the screen was what companies were after. They wanted to impress their visitors with wild features, but now it’s much different.

As more businesses learn that it’s all about conversions, more are starting to adapt and make changes. Each year we see some trends surface, and 2020 will be no different. Here are some to keep an eye out for and put into motion if you haven’t yet done so.

1. Text Based Logos

Remember when companies were spending thousands of dollars to create crazy logos with multiple colors? The goal was to be as wild and crazy as possible.

Well, today many logos are simply just font, and nothing else. Why is that? It’s a cleaner approach and the logos are easier to work with because they look good across several formats, including social media.

2. Single Conversion Focused Pages

When you landed on a blog post years ago you would be hit with a popup, a slider, nonstop offers, and you would have several options on the page. Now, it’s all about creating pages built around a single conversion goal.

Simplicity is key now, and this website is a great example of how you don’t have to overwhelm your visitors — just give them the information they want. Provide content in an easy to digest format, and then have one goal, whether it’s an email capture or directing traffic to another offer. If you need inspiration for a top-quality single conversion page, you can always check the work a top custom web design agency is doing, as it might give you some interesting ideas.

3. Live Contact Options

Consumers demand answers to their questions fast, and by fast i mean instantly. This is why live chat and other instant contact options are now being implemented on websites at a rapid rate.

You don’t have to handle the live customer chat in-house either. If you don’t know how to outsource, then now is a good time to learn. You can hire a virtual assistant to field all live chat questions, and because the cost is low, you can offer 24 hour live chat. This is an easy way to separate yourself from the competition.

This little extra value add can make your business much more appealing, as customers will feel like they can get answers to their questions at any time.

4. Reviews as a Featured Item

We all know that online reviews are important. We all know that we need to be asking our customers for them. But now we are seeing websites really work reviews into the design and feature them on the home page.

Darryl Howard, owner of a medical center that offers the o-shot understand the power of featured reviews. “A customer review holds a lot of weight, and can turn a potential client into a patient very quickly. People trust reviews from complete stranger the same way they would treat a recommendation from a friend.”

This is why we are seeing so many website design feature customer reviews front and center, and above the fold. They want to utilize them to build that instant trust.

5. Heavy Social Proof

Just like reviews, social proof is key and it helps to build customer trust. But, not only are we talking about trust seals like a BBB badge or other similar things like an Inc. 500 award — we are also talking about things like the number of Instagram followers a business has.

Something like that builds instant credibility also. People put a lot of weight on that and trust businesses with strong social media followings.

Highlighting social accounts on your website is also an easy way to accumulate more followers. If they like your business they are going to be more inclined to give you a follow on social media.