Male IT specialist works on laptop in office, top view. Web programmer or designer at workplace, creative occupation. Modern information technology, corporate team

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Hire Your Own In-House IT Person

To in-house IT in a small business would seem in most cases like it is in the business’s best interest to do so, but in many ways it is not. Often hiring an in-house IT person will lead to misunderstandings and unmet expectations between employees and in-house IT personnel. 5 reasons you should never hire your own in-house information technology person:

1. The Learning Curve

All employees want things done yesterday without having to dedicate time or effort into learning how they work, that includes technology. If an employee tells his in-house IT person that he needs something done today and they tell him it will take time and the employee doesn’t agree with this answer then there will be tension between them since the in-house IT person is trying to do what’s in the best interest of his company where as the employee is in a hurry and in some cases will think the in-house IT person is slowing him down.

2. Expectations

Since in-house IT personnel are expected to do more than just their job description, they usually work long hours, on weekends and holidays in order to get everything done in time so it won’t affect traffic or business productivity. If tasks are not completed in a timely manner then there will be tension between them with the employees since they feel that the in-house IT person does not care enough about their needs that he or she would rather sleep all day instead of working.

3. Excessive In-House IT Personnel

In many small businesses in order to get more work done in a short period of time it is often required that in-house IT positions be filled by multiple people in order for the business to continue running smoothly. In this case one in-house IT person cannot specialize in every area and will have trouble providing adequate service to all employees.

4. Conflicting Personalities

There are three types of in-house IT persons:

  1. The individual who wants control over everything- There will be tension between the in-house IT person and employees since he or she wants things done in his or her way no matter how many shortcuts it takes. 
  1. The one who tries very hard but still has difficulty providing accurate services- Often think of him as not caring enough about their problems to take them seriously enough. They often think that the in-house IT person is intentionally delaying tasks in order for them to get done at a later date. 
  1. The one who cares little about his company’s tasks and doesn’t care if the work gets done right or even at all-Is seen as lazy, incompetent and unqualified which leads to even more frustration within the company.

5. A Lack of Marketability Outside the Business

If an employee leaves for another job because they feel like they are not getting paid enough by their in-house IT person in order to provide for their family, they can oftentimes get a job in another company because in the other position they will be able to work in an area of technology that is more in-demand. In-house IT people are in a sense locked in with one another if they leave to go elsewhere in order for them to find a new in-house IT position then there may not be any open positions available in that company or it might require a bit of searching before a suitable candidate is found.

In conclusion, hiring in-house IT personnel in a small business in order to save money is in the long run in many cases not in the best interest of a company’s well being in that in-house IT in many cases does more harm than good for a business. Instead of hiring in-house IT personnel, consider investing in managed services. Managed services is where you buy into a larger organization that specializes in providing outsourced information technology support for companies like yours; they are specifically experienced in providing in-depth support in a multitude of areas, including some in which in-house IT personnel may not know how to handle. This allows you to focus on what your in-house IT person does best, which is running your company’s information technology department. They do this job while the managed service provider supports them in helpful ways in the event that it becomes necessary.