As an entrepreneur, you are full of creativity and ideas. After years of work, you finally turned these ideas into a functioning business. Even though you are living your self-employed dream and building your client base, you might not be as organized as you could be. Fortunately, with some simple adjustments to your workflow, you can optimize your productivity and stay organized in the coming year.
This guide will break down some basic organizational mistakes that many new business owners make. Once you overcome these obstacles, you can regain control over your productivity and help your business thrive.
Not having a written budget
Some new business owners will skip clear budgeting in their first year of business. Since you don’t know what to expect, you might be hesitant to write down a clear spending plan. However, this can set you up for overspending. To make budgeting more digestible at first, try making a quarterly budget. Write this budget down on paper at first, transferring it to a spreadsheet and organize it from there. Online accounting tools can also be useful for busy business owners.
As your cash flow continues, you can decide whether your current budget is working. Remember that this is your business, so you have the power to adjust your budget accordingly. Your budget will change as your business grows.
Overlooking technology
Technology is designed to make your life easier, but it can be intimidating. Seemingly endless productivity tools, budgeting apps, and online calendars are out there, so you might be unsure where to start. However, administrative tasks make up a significant portion of your job function, and you could be wasting time by not using technology. By sifting through productivity tools and finding the right tools for your business needs, you can optimize your workflow. Whether communicating with freelancers or logging your spreadsheets, these tools can boost efficiency significantly — which could ultimately boost your revenue.
Keeping a messy work space
You are a busy business owner, but your workspace does not need to reflect that. In fact, keeping a clean desk can actually increase your productivity. While decluttering your desk or work area seems like a daunting task, try taking this process one step at a time. Go through the piles of papers on your desk and organize them into labeled pocket folders, discarding any that you no longer need. Determine which items on your desk you actually use daily. Take any dirty coffee mugs to the sink. As you remove these objects one by one, you will eventually have a clean space. The next morning, you are sure to feel more centered and productive.
Skipping time management
Just as many entrepreneurs fail to clean their work space, many will also forgo basic time management. However, by failing to keep a schedule, you will fail to prioritize important tasks and feel like you’re working all the time. To complete essential tasks on time while leaving room for other work, create a daily schedule. In addition to noting meetings and appointments, block off time to answer emails, update social media, check in with employees, and organize your finances. Then stick to this schedule. This style of time-blocking will transform your time management and prevent you from being distracted. The result? Genuine productivity and work-life balance.
By recognizing your organizational shortcomings and taking active steps to overcome them, you can transform your business for good. Whether you are perplexed by basic budgeting or skip your daily schedule, you have the tools to tackle these obstacles head on. As your business grows, you will likely experience more setbacks while organizing. But with time, you can learn to bounce back more productive than ever.